This is crazy!  Just keep in mind that we did not invent this.  Don’t shoot the messenger.  We believe that once you know the Medicare alphabet, get enrolled and accustomed to utilizing it, you will love it.  We are here to help you so let’s start with the letters.  Ready?  Here goes:

  • Part A (The OG of Medicare):

What does it cover? When you turn 65, you are automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A. This coverage includes hospital admission, skilled nursing care, blood transfusion, and What does it cost? Generally, does not cost anything. It does, however, have a deductible you pay each benefit period. A benefit period starts the date of admission and ends 60 days after discharge. Then the benefit period will start over, as well as the deductible.

Part B:  What does it cover? After you have applied for your Part B coverage, you will have access to outpatient services. This portion of Medicare will cover your doctor’s office visits, outpatient imaging (CT scans, MRIs, x-rays, and specialty imaging), emergency visits, ambulance or life flight transportation, DME, preventative services, chemotherapy, dialysis, physical therapy, and lab work. Please see chart below for additional information.

Part C: Managed Care.  See Post 1 at

Part D:  Prescription Drug Plan (PDP)- This is the most confusing, difficult, hairpulling part about Medicare! We will cover this in its very own article #4.

There is no E.  We have no idea why it is left out.

Plan F: This plan was knocked off like a Gambino family mob hit.  It was but now it’s not…If you have plan F, congrats.  It was a great plan. So sad to see it go.

Plan G is the homecoming King and Queen of Supplements. This plan covers you at 100% after you pay your Medicare Part B Deductible ($240 for 2024). You can walk out of your doctor’s office and tell them “Send Medicare the bill!”, without a worry in the world! (It really is that good 😊).

H-J. Nope, nothing here either.  Who’s in charge here?

K-M. There are plans here but these are basically the red-headed stepchildren.  We love the gingers, nothing wrong with them at all.  Just using the saying for fun.  Don’t write hate mail.

Plan N: The slighted, runner up in a beauty pageant.  Not the leader of the pack but a great choice and certainly something to consider. This plan takes some plays from Plan G, with a little audible call for some of the coverages such as, office visit copays are $20, and ER visit copays are $50.

WHAT YOU NEED:  You have 2 options:

Confused yet?  It’s time to call.

Fun fact:  The state fish of Hawaii is the Humuhumunukunukuapua`a.  Look it up here:

We believe that whoever gave that fish its name probably worked for Medicare and brought to market the Medicare alphabet.

As always, call us and let us help you with your Medicare decisions.  Don’t forget, there is no general right or wrong; there is only what is right for YOU.  We are here to help you understand the process, educate you on your medical care options and on occasion, provide some humor to a serious topic.

Oh, and if you drop by our office to visit in person, we have extremely average coffee available 8-5:00 Monday – Friday.  It’s hard to pass up.  Let’s talk soon.

Legal Waiver – by reading this, you personally accept that this is pretty awesome information but not advice.  You also accept that you should visit with us to confirm what is best for you.  Finally, you will not file any litigious suit against us for our completely average coffee.